Syndicate Bank has invited online applications from candidates for the 750 vacant posts of Assistant Manager in Rural Development.
Payscale:14500-25700+other benefits
Qualifications:Degree with not less than 55 percentage of marks in Agriculture/Horticulture/Animal Husbandary/Vetinary Science/Dairy Science/Agricultural Engineering/Fishery Science/Agriculture Marketing and Cooperation etc.
You must know to write, read and speak the local language of the place from which you are applying.
Computer awareness is a necessary qualification.
Age Limit: 21-30
Application Fee:300 rupees. 50 rupees for SC/ST.
How to apply: Download the chalan form from the website and fill the necessary details and pay to any of the bank's branches. You must have a valid email id. After paying the application fee, you can apply through the recruitment link in the bank's website.
Last Date: March, 2011